Appetizer (Quote) - Seize the day --- smile, laugh, and breathe!
Main Dish (Book) - "The Second Journey" by Joan Anderson
Rating - 3 1/2 SpoonsDessert (Featured Dish) - Chipotle Chili
Drink (Desired Beverage) - Soy Hazelnut Latte
Taking a chance or trying something new requires at least two (2) subtle but essential things --- that is, courage to go beyond one's normal behavior and agreement to allow oneself to fail (if the desired outcome does not materialize).
The best of both worlds is having the wisdom to know that both courage and agreement to fail is freedom. Freedom to let go of expectations, preferences, and biases that may in any other case limit the experience. Freedom to release one's fear of being accepted and judged by external eyes. Freedom to understand that somethings will delight us, while others will disgust us.
In the case of our feature book, "The Second Journey," the author takes a trip inward to discover it's okay to have second chances. In the process of renewing her spirit, the heroine outlines the key pillars that have shaped her life --- the needs and desires of everyone else, including a husband, children, parents, the public and a host of other tangible bodies. All too often we, too, find ourselves policing the lives of others while our own requirements in life go unmet, or worst yet, not perceived as serious.
In the book, the heroine redefines life with an escape to find joy within herself --- her decisions, choices, mistakes, and relationships that have molded who she has become. Over the course of five decades, she unfolds the challenges of marriage, assists an ailing mother, raise children, volunteer, start and restart careers at the expense of finding true, transparent love --- the quiet before the storm self-love. I applaud the heroine for taking a break away from the normalcy of her life and asking the hard questions, like "What do I really want?", "Who am I?", and, "What impact do I have on the situation?" If one can manage to ask and wait for the appointed answers, then there's hope for inward joy.
To this end, the heroine does find joy in knowing she has made some choices, decisions, and yes, mistakes that could have directed her path in other directions, but the beauty is, she unveils who she really is by taking the risks and letting go. This is an act of true character under pressure, and to her credit, for all the divisions in her path and deposits made in her life, the author is all the better for each contribution.
Having said that, readers it is okay to release the expectations of ourselves to agree or disagree with others. It is perfectly okay to agree to fail --- sometimes. If on the course of life you encounter a path less traveled by and the fork in the road guides you in a direction unsure, then take the moment to ask and assess, the second journey may be better than the first.
Bon Appetit!
Chipotle Chili (serving 4-6 persons)
1 lb of ground meat (preferences include turkey, beef, pork, chicken)
2-3 green onions
1 ripe tomato (red or green)
3 cloves of garlic (shaved)
2- 12oz. can of kidney beans
1 -12oz. can of sweet corn
1 - 8 oz. can of Italian (Spicy) slices tomato slices
1 tbsp. chipotle chili sauce
1 tbsp. cumin
Dash of salt/pepper
Combine ingredients in order of preparation in large sauce pan and cook over medium heat for approx. 15-20 minutes. Serve hot with favorite corn bread, sour cream, cheese, or grated imported cheeses.
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