Main Dish- Homemade Soup with meatballs, baby bok choy, oyster mushrooms, carrots, noodles, ginger, cilantro and scallion (courtesy of Eva)
Featured Novel - "Faith and Doubt," by John Ortberg (2008)
Spoonful Rating - 4 spoons
Dessert - Strawberry Cheesecake w/ Bananas & Fudge
Beverage - Pineapple Spritzer
Life is a gift, not a privilege. Oftentimes we seldom realize the deposits we make in our lives and the lives of others. Far too often, it is assumed that we care for a person, love someone, and cherish the time we have. On the surface, we can mask genuine understanding and compassion in the guise of being friendly; but, the real challenge is share what we know and feel for others.
In "Faith & Doubt," the author pulls on various sports and family examples to exhibit this point --- take the time to share what you know and tell those you care for them the truth. While it seems ease to portray one cares for, and about, others; it is life lesson to show not tell. In journalism, I learned the hard way in painful interviews and many re-writes that I, as the author, need to illustrate the message poignantly NOT tell the reader. In this case, I have stolen the very essence of the message in the story --- don't give it away so easily!
If you have Faith, then compel yourself to push farther than you normally would go; and, if you Doubt, then recount the many opportunities given and A-HA moments, to fully understand there is a gift in life --- faith & doubt. To this end, the faith to believe in the impossible is possible, and the doubt that tomorrow will be different if one does not make a change today. Two different but essential gifts we are given in this life, and the choice is always which one will you choose.
"There are no guarantees for the perfection of [our] choices. In fact, to the contrary, there is the guarantee of imperfection...If I refuse to sing a word or play a note until I'm certain of perfection, there will never be music.. If you don't want to go to the grave with all your music in you, you'll have to take a shot. --- Faith & Doubt, John Ortberg, 2008
At the expense of gaining, you must first loose yourself! The greatness within you cannot come forth until one is challenged --- until broken (in many cases). Do not wait 'til the last mile or second on the clock ticks for you to share what you know and for those you love. There are no guarantees for success, but I am confident you can achieve more by giving up yourself, first.
The bad medicine of perfection can cripple one from ever realizing the genuine truth and blessings that lie within. One sure measure of your life are the imperfections --- choose to make soup with the ingredients handed to you!
Go ahead, take a shot!
Bon Appetit!
Homemade "Imperfection" Soup w/ Chinese Cabbage, Meatballs, Mushrooms & Ginger
10 oz. minced pork(preferred meat)
3 scallions, finely chopped
6 oz. Chinese cabbage
1.5 tablespoons cornstarch
2 tablespoons light soy sauce
1 tablespoon rice wine
7- 8 oyster mushrooms
1 carrot, peeled and sliced
2 cups of baby bok choy
1 tablespoon of shredded ginger
4 cloves of garlic, crushed
1 tablespoon peanut oil
2 tsp sesame oil
fresh noodles
1/4 cup of cilantro
3 scallions, finely chopped
6 oz. Chinese cabbage
1.5 tablespoons cornstarch
2 tablespoons light soy sauce
1 tablespoon rice wine
7- 8 oyster mushrooms
1 carrot, peeled and sliced
2 cups of baby bok choy
1 tablespoon of shredded ginger
4 cloves of garlic, crushed
1 tablespoon peanut oil
2 tsp sesame oil
fresh noodles
1/4 cup of cilantro
Heat the oils together and saute the ginger and garlic, until the garlic begins to turn brown. Set aside.
Shred the cabbage and boil for 2 minutes. Drain and squeeze the remaining water out of it. Pat dry with a towel.
In a bowl, combine the pork, scallions, cornstarch, rice wine, cabbage and cilantro. Put in the fridge and chill for one hour. Then shape into 22 meatballs, using about 1 tablespoon of the mixture for each one.
In the meantime, boil water and then put the fresh noodles in for 1 minute until soft. Drain.
Saute the baby bok choy, oyster mushrooms and carrots together in 2 tsp. of sesame oil.
Heat 6 cups of chicken stock infused with several slices of ginger and 3 scallions. Bring to a boil. Add the meatballs, cover and cook over low-medium heat until they rise to the top and are cooked.
Put noodles in each bowl. Add a spoonful of the bok choy/carrots/mushrooms, a few meatballs and chicken stock. Garnish with chopped scallion and chopped cilantro.